How To Whiten Your Teeth Safely

Teeth Whitening Simi Valley, CAMany things can lead to teeth stains: tobacco use; drinking coffee, tea, or wine; and even eating certain berries might lead your smile to dull over time. In fact, almost everything we put into our mouths will lead to a slight staining over time. We’d avoid so many things if the resulting stains were instantaneous. And we’d bet you would, too. But, thankfully, we don’t have to stay away from fresh berries or our beloved early morning coffee. Keep reading for all of the options of how to remove those smile-dulling stains from your teeth in a safe, effective way.

  1. Make sure to see your dentist before you start any teeth whitening regime. We can help you avoid the trouble and pain of making certain situations worse! For example, did you know that teeth whitening bleach can make cavities, loose fillings, and gum issues more painful, or even make the situation worse? Avoid the complications and make sure your teeth are in a good state to be whitened.
  2. Read the directions on the box if you choose to whiten your teeth with teeth whitening strips bought at the store. If you feel your teeth starting to get sensitive, take off the strips and let your teeth have some time before you apply the next round of whiteners.
  3. Have your teeth whitened with professional materials, with professional supervision. In-office whitening can help you get more dramatic results without the sensitivity of other teeth whitening methods.
  4. Custom at-home teeth whitening is a good option for you if you are good at following directions and are looking for more dramatic results. The concentration of active ingredients is higher in professional whitening treatments, so be careful and make sure to consult your dentist if you have any questions.

For the very best results, we recommend starting your teeth whitening journey with a start at the dentist. Getting a dental cleaning might also help remove surface stains and give your whitening a jump start! Give us a call at (805) 584-1194 to set up a consultation to see which teeth whitening option is best for you.

Posted in: Teeth Whitening

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Casey Patterson, DDS
Casey Patterson, DDS and Robert D. Bankhardt, DDS
2720 Cochran St, #2b
Simi Valley CA 93065
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2720 Cochran St #2b Simi Valley CA 93065 (805) 584-1194