When most people think of the benefits of visiting the dentist, they think of things like keeping their teeth clean. But it’s not just about maintaining a healthy bite or great smile. Here’s how modern dentistry can improve your experience with sleep apnea in pursuit of a better night’s rest. What Is Sleep Apnea? In sleep apnea, […]
As adults, we often struggle with being tired, due to our busy lifestyles and lack of sleep. However, if you are spending enough time in bed each night but are waking up groggy and experiencing daytime fatigue, there may be something else happening that you are not aware of. Conditions such as obstructive sleep apnea […]
Upon wakening each morning, are you still extremely tired? Do you feel like you didn’t sleep at all? Are you concerned about the headache and dry mouth you experience every day? When patients are dealing with daytime fatigue that never seems to improve with sleep, they may be struggling with a condition known as obstructive […]