
Veneers | Simi Valley, CA

Veneers: Plastic Surgery for your Teeth

If you’re not happy with how you look in the mirror, you may have looked into beautifying treatments like rhinoplasty, facelifts, or even more extreme surgeries. Though you may feel you want something, you may not have a clear idea of what you want. In fact, you may be ignoring the effect your teeth have […]

dental services Simi Valley CA

Commonly Misunderstood Dental Facts

Even though so many of us visit the dentist like clockwork (every six months, on the dot), there are still so many common misconceptions we all carry with us about the dentist. Whether it’s about food, cavities, or how veneers work, we all can stand to learn a little more about how dentists really do […]

dental services Simi Valley CA

Why Should I See My Dentist Regularly?

Many of us were born with healthy, no fuss, teeth. But not all of us were so lucky. Regardless of where you fall, seeing a dentist on a regular basis is a good habit to get into. Seeing your dentist regularly gives you more than shiny teeth. Those visits are about more than just cleanings, […]

dental services Simi Valley CA

I Haven’t Seen A Dentist in Years

Whether you moved to a new city, had a baby, or lost your job, there are a lot of reasons why you have put seeing your dentist on the backburner. It’s easy to do, actually, until your teeth start to bother you. The truth is, getting regular dental cleanings can help you prevent those nagging […]

Periodontal Services Simi Valley, CA

The Three Types of Cavities

Cavities can creep up on us almost without warning, so it’s important to see your dentist on a regular basis. We can help you identify cavities before they get too big and painful, which can also cut down on the cost of cavity repair. Keep reading to learn about the three types of cavities you […]

Dental Services Simi Valley, CA

Eating For Dental Health

Though genetics play a part in our dental health, did you know that the foods you eat can help influence how healthy your teeth are? Our teeth help us chew and enjoy food, but the food we eat helps keep our teeth strong (or give them a little more work to do). It never hurts […]

Teeth Whitening Simi Valley, CA

How To Whiten Your Teeth Safely

Many things can lead to teeth stains: tobacco use; drinking coffee, tea, or wine; and even eating certain berries might lead your smile to dull over time. In fact, almost everything we put into our mouths will lead to a slight staining over time. We’d avoid so many things if the resulting stains were instantaneous. […]

Dental Care Simi Valley, CA

Oral Health And Older Patients

When it comes to dental care and those who are 65 and older, having a great smile takes a little extra attention. As we get older, the risk of developing cavities and other problems increases. Wait! Did You Say Cavities? That’s right. Cavities are not something that only happens to young children and adolescence as they […]

Dental Sealants Simi Valley, CA

Cavities? Dental Sealants May Help.

No one likes to have cavities. For some of us, though, it seems that no matter how much we brush and floss, those pesky little dental problems seem to pop up when we least expect it. If you or your children struggle with cavities, dental sealants may be the answer. What are Dental Sealants? Dental sealants […]

Root Canal Simi Valley, CA

Do I Really Need A Root Canal?

Root canals are probably the most intimidating of all dental procedures, but the actual procedure is quick, easy and comfortable. Understanding why the procedure is necessary to protect your tooth may help you feel more confident about having the procedure. What is a Root Canal? The phrase “root canal” is used to describe a dental […]



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Casey Patterson, DDS
2720 Cochran St, #2b
Simi Valley CA 93065
Hours & Directions >

2720 Cochran St #2b Simi Valley CA 93065 (805) 584-1194