Reasons patients might need crowns and bridges

General and restorative dentists have a wide selection of restoration options available to them that can be used to address imperfections and damage to the natural smile. Dr. Robert D. Bankhardt and his team are dedicated to providing the best solutions for a patient’s potential oral health problem. This includes the fabrication and placement of a crown or bridge. 

How do crowns and bridges work? 

Crowns and bridges are two very popular dental restorations used by dentists in the Simi Valley, California area to address damaged or missing teeth. The dental crown is a porcelain “cap” that the dentist will fabricate to place over a weakened or substantially-damaged tooth as an extra layer of protection and strength. A bridge, on the other hand, is a restoration used for replacing one or more missing teeth in a row. The bridge consists of a crown on each end fused to false teeth called pontics. When these restorations are fabricated by a dental professional with proper experience, they look completely natural within the smile and are difficult to discern from the natural, unrestored teeth. 

Why might I need dental crowns and bridges? 

  • You are missing teeth that need to be replaced for function, beauty, and health
  • Your tooth has experienced significant damage to the structure that impairs its function
  • You have had root canal therapy and require an extra layer of protection for a weakened tooth
  • You are restoring the smile with a dental implant and need a crown for above the abutment
  • You have had an extremely large cavity that affects the structure of the tooth

Are dental crowns and bridges necessary? 

For some patients, crowns and bridges are needed for proper function, beauty, and health of the smile. However, there are some alternative treatments that patients might want to consider, including dental implants, dentures, inlays, and onlays. During an evaluation, Dr. Robert D. Bankhardt will determine which solutions are best for a patient. 

Thinking about restorative procedures such as dental crowns and bridges? 

Book a consultation visit with Dr. Robert Bankhardt and his team in Simi Valley, California to discuss your options. The facility is located at 2720 Cochran Street, Suite #26 and accepts new and established patients who call for an appointment at (805) 584-1194.

Posted in: Restorative Dentistry



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Casey Patterson, DDS
Casey Patterson, DDS and Robert D. Bankhardt, DDS
2720 Cochran St, #2b
Simi Valley CA 93065
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2720 Cochran St #2b Simi Valley CA 93065 (805) 584-1194